Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pretty Pale

The "architecture" of this pale beauty just pulls my eye in. Image c Lynda Lehmann. You can find this image at or in my gallery at Imagekind: , where you can buy it framed or unframed.

I keep telling myself to stop photographing flowers, but when I walk past a beautiful bloom, I can't resist. They give me so much joy. Hope you like it, too!


  1. Very beautiful rose pic. You have a lot of awesome pictures and photographs.

  2. Thanks very much for stopping by Boyd, and for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed this photo!


I try to respond to comments whenever I can. I ALWAYS appreciate your visits and friendship, and I will reciprocate with visits to your site. Thanks for sharing parts of your blogging journey with me. I value each and every one of you.

NOTE: Please, no more memes, schemes, or awards. They're fun and they may help us to know each other better, but I'd rather spend the time reading your posts and having you READ mine!

Happy blogging!

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