Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lovely Lady Lily

"Lovely Lady Lily," basking in the sun. A magnificent flower, poised in light and loveliness. I hope you enjoy her! Image c Lynda Lehmann.

This is just the second time I've been able to get a blog post to upload, in the past two weeks. So much for a slow dial-up connection that is making it nearly impossible to post to my sites! For me, a good opportunity to practice patience....

You can purchase this image at or at Thanks for visiting. I hope you are taking time to enjoy the lush beauty of the summer season!


  1. Ohhh sooo pretty! *HUGS*

  2. you've got some beautiful images here :) I just discovered your blog via the women bloggers button on my blog :)


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NOTE: Please, no more memes, schemes, or awards. They're fun and they may help us to know each other better, but I'd rather spend the time reading your posts and having you READ mine!

Happy blogging!

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