Monday, September 10, 2007


An intriguing bolt on a weathered door. The worn and rustic surfaces tell stories of another era, and hint at more personal tales unfolding in that time. Some features of architecture, whether of modern or more ancient origin, evoke their own symbology. Freudian and sexual interpretations aside, I think that locks evoke both an emotional response as well as questions about time and situation. Similarly, doors and windows hold much fascination for me and a lot of other people.

European architecture, with its combination of structural and decorative elements, has a wider range, in my opinion, of elements that can be looked at in metaphorical ways. I have a post half written, that describes my feelings about what I like to call "transitional spaces": the arch, balcony, and alleyway. I'll post it soon, along with photos from Bussana Vecchia (an international artist's colony) and other scenic, medieval towns in the Ligurian region of Northern Italy.

I wonder what Joseph Campbell would tell us about the symblogy of locks and doors, among other things... I'm sure they are the stuff of myths.

Image c Lynda Lehmann. Available at


  1. What a wonderful photo! I just love it. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  2. Great image - think how many hands have used it over the years. Great post!

  3. Cindy, thanks for stopping by. It's always so good to hear from you!

  4. KML,yes, I imagine a lot of hands have pushed on that bolt, in a variety of moods and situations. I think that now it's rusted into immobility, but I didn't try it out. Too busy with the camera to my face. You know how that is...

  5. Whenever I see things like this, I always wonder what life was like in the immediate area surrounding it as the craftsman installed it. I wonder what he or she was thinking about as they measured, cut, screwed and nailed it. When I garden, I think about a million things and I imagine everyone does this no matter what task they are doing.
    And lastly, I wonder if the craftsman or the original owner ever thought it would end up in a lovely photo posted on the internet. (The interWHAT?)

  6. Very nice- I am partial to images like these! :)


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