Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lascaux Bark

Nature is full of surprises and design is everywhere one looks, and at all levels of the cosmos. For me, finding pattern, design, or a pictorial quality in unexpected places makes my life rich with the adventure of "looking."

The bark of this tree reminds me of the cave paintings in Lascaux, France and other places. It has a primordial feel to it--I can see a boar or a bull charging. What do YOU see? Image c Lynda Lehmann.

"Lascaux Bark" is available at or you can contact me through this blog for more information.


  1. Ooooo I love it!!! Lynda, you have captured the kind of stuff I look for all the time! I see long gnarly fingers and the toes of birds. Not scary fingers, but the fingers of creatures like the Ents in Lord of the Rings. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Cindy. Wish I could remember the Ents but I read the book so long ago!

    I just checked out your merchandise at Cafe Press. Very neat stuff! Especially the calendars....


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NOTE: Please, no more memes, schemes, or awards. They're fun and they may help us to know each other better, but I'd rather spend the time reading your posts and having you READ mine!

Happy blogging!

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