Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Magical Time Before Twilight

The Magical Time Before Twilight  - Image c Lynda Lehmann

With the approach of twilight, mystery shrouds the forest and the islands that dot a pristine Maine lake.  Day is not quite finished with her light play on the lake surface.  But night will move in with moonlight, twinkling stars in the ink black sky, and capricious winds playing in new rhythms over the water.  

With each soft puff of sweet lake breeze, my heart fills and quickens.  I am replete.

Note: You can click on each photo to see a larger version. All images and text on this blog are copyrighted material, and may be used only with written permission, except where syndication rights have been granted. All other rights reserved. Please visit my sites listed in my sidebar if you would like to see my paintings and more of my photography and digital art, or make a purchase. You can also find cool, artsy gifts at my Zazzle shops!


  1. Your description of the approaching of twilight is as beautiful as the green and blue image showing the serene time before twilight. Reading your post is easy to imagine how the blue sky will be replaced by a dark one, and the breeze upon the lake, by winds.

  2. I felt such great peace there, Duta. My heart rejoiced. I am in a different locale now, that has its own special kind of beauty. But the northern lakes and boreal forest will always remain part of me, memories and soul.

  3. it's beautiful... i can see why you enjoy this area. it does seem peaceful. hope all is well. have a great night~

    1. I now live in Arizona, which is a far cry from the lush forested fabric of the land in Maine. But beauty lives here too--although the seasons dictate when you can or will go out and about in the wild!


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