Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fantastic Scenic Views Of Planet Earth

If you've watched the video on my last post, chances are you found it quite depressing.

As a happy counterpoint, this one will surely inspire you!

This is what we are at risk of losing...


  1. Wow! Absolutely stunning and exhilerating! You really hit the nail on the head with this post. When it occurred to me that we might be quickly losing our precious natural world, I began to blog about the things I don't want to loose! Thank You for a fantastic post! Floyd

  2. Thank you for stopping by and watching it, Floyd! It's the same with me. I'm afraid of losing the beauty, the bounty and biodoversity of our Earth. Afraid of losing it all!

    That's why I talk about it, too.

    I'm very happy that the video had meaning for you, as it did for me.

  3. Lynda, thanks for sharing, I watch planet earth all the time, and the clips are just amazing, and I am glad that I am our plante's resident, lol. PS I noticed running wood buffalo, something that I would like to photograph one day and see it in my real eyes, and of course other things on the video too, but I probably will not have enough time, lol. Anna :).


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