Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Write-Up at the "Talent Speaks" Site

Gabriel Chapman of Talent Speaks and Talent Database has had his writer, AJ West, give me a short write-up. You can read it here:

Gabriel runs the and sites. Check them out if you haven't already! I have a site on Talent Database, and it's a great way for people to find your work. If you do any of the visual arts, you can register for this dynamic new community for free!

Thanks, Gabriel and AJ, for the kind words!

The above image is "Entity," c 2007 Lynda Lehmann. To see more of my work, please visit . Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. amazing photo Lynda !!!
    sounds like an exciting community :)

  2. You earned the praise Lynda! Your photographs are gorgeous so you made it easy for me to write about you! Stay in touch. - AJ

  3. Thanks, Kim. Maybe take a look at the site when you have time!

  4. Amanda, I loved your phrase "seduce the creative demon."
    Thanks again for the kind words!!


I try to respond to comments whenever I can. I ALWAYS appreciate your visits and friendship, and I will reciprocate with visits to your site. Thanks for sharing parts of your blogging journey with me. I value each and every one of you.

NOTE: Please, no more memes, schemes, or awards. They're fun and they may help us to know each other better, but I'd rather spend the time reading your posts and having you READ mine!

Happy blogging!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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