Thursday, November 29, 2007

Passing On the "Creative Blogger Award"

I've been blogging since last spring, but missed most of July and August due to being away and on a snail of a dial-up connection for the summer. So I feel that I'm just finding my "space" in the great wild-blue-yonder of the Blogosphere. I've met many nice people, and found that everyone has something to say, usually positive and constructive. I DO very much value the opportunity to share thoughts and perceptions with people all over the world. And of course, a little bit of art, gardening knowledge, stuff about the moon, stars, and planets, writing, cooking, our Earth, and just about any subject you can think of. Blogging is a great way to foster community, even internationally, as we all express our concerns and hopefully perceive our common humanity.

The only negative for me, is that now I have another addiction (besides chocolate and coffee) and it's a very time-consuming one at that! Actually, most of my posts are not that involved that they take a lot of time, but giving people the recognition they deserve DOES take a lot of time. I've been extra busy this fall with getting ready for my solo painting show in February, and feeling a bit frantic overall. I'm really upset to have been given a few awards (for which I'm grateful and feel honored) but have not had the time to post some of them or pass them on. So I'm going to start doing this, now that I have a FEW things tied up this week, and I'll start with the first one.

Many weeks ago, Cindy from Rosehaven Cottage gave me the Creative Blogger Award. I'm going to finally post this on my page and pass it on to Floyd Craig at Floyd's Secrets of the Earth,, Saboma at, and Ellen at Positive Communication at These are bloggers who look outward at the world and express their convictions and knowledge in a passionate and committed way. Not to mention creative!

So thank you Cindy, for passing this award to me. I appreciate it very much!

And Floyd, Saboma, and Ellen, keep up the good work! I'm sorry I don't know how to embed your URLs in your blog titles. Bear with me on this steep (it's steep for me, lol...) learning curve!


  1. Hey Girlykins, thank you so very much for your kind thoughts and for the Creative Blogger Award!

    If ya wanna learn how to do the embed thingy, I can easily teach you how to do it.

    maryannaville [at] gmail [dot] com


  2. Thanks, Saboma! You may easily teach it, but can I easily be taught? lol...

    Sure, that would be nice, when you have time, but don't count on your
    pupil to have success with it!

    Have a lovely evening!

    Hugs to you!

  3. You can learn it, if you want to learn it. My youngest student was 12 yrs of age with the oldest being 88 when I taught Speech 101 at the local college in Southern California. They both cleared my class with an A that they both earned.

    IF you want to learn it, I CAN show you how AND you WILL learn it but first you have to have a desire to learn it. Moreover, it's also okay if you don't want to learn it. No one will ever say that you have to learn it- yet, since you apologized for not knowing how to do it, I thought that I'd show you how but only if you want to learn how.


  4. Congratulations on your award,well deserved! I'll have to check out the other sites as well.

  5. Okay, Saboma, let's give it a go. If there's a tutorial or something that you know of that I can look at without taking up your time, that would be great. Thanks....

  6. Thank you, Bob! Yes, do check out their sites when you have a sec!

  7. Hi Lynda,

    first of all, congrats on your award! You really do deserve it!

    I'm afraid we share some addictions here, chocolate is one of my biggest sins ;-)).. And blogging.. yeah, I enjoy it very much, but it really is incredible how much time it consumes.. But at the same time, pleasure it brings!

    Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award! I am truly honored by your words!!
    Best wishes to you,


    p.s. let me know if I can help you with the encoding okay? Encoding the url's is really simple with the HTML tags, once you know how to use them ;-))..
    I'd tell you right here in the comment (it's one sentence explanation, but the comment-editor would probably get lost..)

  8. Lynda, Thank You soooo Much for choosing me for this award! What a pleasant suprise to be included with such wonderful Blogs! Horay!Yeah!!!! Thank You and congratulations to the other Winners! Floyd Craig

  9. You're very welcome, Ellen. I hope to spend a lot more time exploring your blog in the future....

    Saboma has offered to teach me how to do the HTML but thanks for offering and I'll be sure to get in touch if I need a seond lesson!

    Warm regards to you.

  10. Floyd, you are very welcome. As you know, your creativity and commitment to showing us the marvels of our planet is very inspiring to me!


I try to respond to comments whenever I can. I ALWAYS appreciate your visits and friendship, and I will reciprocate with visits to your site. Thanks for sharing parts of your blogging journey with me. I value each and every one of you.

NOTE: Please, no more memes, schemes, or awards. They're fun and they may help us to know each other better, but I'd rather spend the time reading your posts and having you READ mine!

Happy blogging!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.

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