Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Inconceivable Unfolding of a Palm

The title says it all. The name of this palm escapes me because I was too busy taking photos to write it down. Regardless of its name and and species, it was clearly designed and engineered by an unseen intelligence of a higher order. The structure of this tree, viewed at a local arboretum, is unbelievable!

I remember some course work in industrial design in college, when we talked about angles creating structural integrity and strength, a principal applied in architecture, packaging, and other forms of design. The most common example is probably corrugated cardboard, with which we're all familiar. But no human endeavor can ever rival the design and structural adaptations in nature!

Image and text c Lynda Lehmann. Please visit www.lyndalehmann.com if you would like to see more of my work.


  1. true. nature's the most superb/ delicate designer, architect, creator or maker.
    Plants are just an example of nature's masterpieces. :)

  2. Great Image.

    I like the geometric patterns created by nature, while almost pure there are small imperfections that helps to more interest in subject.

    The divine source probably had a nickname of 'Fibonacci Numbers'

    Niels Henriksen


  3. Thanks for stopping by, Niels. What are the "Fibonacci Numbers"? A formula for fractals?

  4. I completely agree! No one can deny that there is a higher power and creator when one sees such beauty and order as this! That is why I love photographing nature so much. It is more beautiful than anything man can ever make. Just a lovely photo, Lynda. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  5. Cindy,

    Yes, there is just too much diversity and order and magic for it to be accidental! :-)

  6. stunning colour and patterns Lynda.....it's so true....nothing can really compare with nature !!!!


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